Friday, April 23, 2010

Quotes Part 1

Just A Quote

when GOD takes away

something from your hand,
dont think He’s punishing u…

he is merely emptying ur hand,
for u 2 receive something better.
Have Faith!!!

If you cannot do great things,
do small things in a great way.

You’ll never know how strong you are until
being strong is the only choice you have left .

What's important is not what kind of car you drive,
but rather how many people you give a lift.

What's important is not the size of your house,
but rather the number of people
you welcome into your home.
What's important is not your social status,
but whether you live your life with class.

What's important is not what you possess,
but rather what you give.

What are important are not how many friends you have,
but rather how many to whom you are a friend.

What's important is not how much overtime you worked,
but rather if you work overtime for your family and loved ones.

What's important is not if you live in a great neighborhood,
but rather how you treat your neighbor.

If things are happening
according to your wish,
you are lucky!
But if they are not,
you are very lucky,
because they are happening
according to God’s wish!

GODISNOWHERE this can be read as
or as
everything depends on how do u see anything.

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold.
We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.
By the same token, we can experience joy
because we have known sadness.

People think it's holding on that makes you stronger,
but sometimes it's letting go.

Sometimes the memories are worth the pain.

Everything is okay in the end.
If it's not okay, then it's not the end.

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened!

sometimes you need to run away to see
who will come after you.

the hardest part about saying goodbye is the part
where you’re reminded everyday that you have done so..

Life is like a mirror, we get the best results
when we smile at it.

Sometimes, you have to accept the fact that
some people are going to stay in your heart forever..
even if you are gone in theirs.

U may delay but time not.

Prayer does not change God,
but it changes him who prays.

“Have you ever wanted to ask a question,
but you didn’t, because you knew in your heart that
you wouldn’t be able to handle the answer?”

There are three types of people in this world:
those who make things happen,
those who watch things happen
and those who wonder what happened.

Two things always in life to be remembered.
Don’t take any decisions when you are Angry.
Don’t make any promises when you are Happy.

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.

It's only after you've lost everything,
that you're free to do anything.

How much can you know about yourself
if you've never been in a fight?

Sometimes the best way to figure out who you are is
to get to that place where you don't have to be anything else.

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

The most important thing a father can do for his children is
to love their mother.

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again today.

Do the alphabet song and twinkle twinkle little star have the same tone?
why did you just try singing the two songs from above?

Nothing left in your right brain,
and nothing right in your left brain!

A single finger that wipes your tears is much better than
ten fingers that come together to clap on your success.

You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather.

Ive made mistake,
but i never made mistakes of claiming that I never made one.

Learn from others mistake ,
u cant live long enough to made the mistakes by yourself.

for everything you have missed, you have gained something else,
and for everything you gain, you lose something else.

the most important things in life arent things.

Sometimes it seems, like everything we do is a drop in the ocean,
but in fact the ocean needs that drop of water. Mother Tereza.

People say movies should be more like real life.
I say real life should be more like the movies.

Feelings change - memories don't.

I hate to say goodbye
but it only makes the next hello closer.

A smile makes richer the one who recieves it
without making poorer the one who gives it.

"They say 'you only regret the things you never do.
' Then why do I regret every bad thing I did to you?"

our life is like a scenario of a movie...
God as the director...we play the role...
and the director has planned the movie.

Life is like a book, the more you read it,
the more you know about it.

When a heart is true,
there's no need for words cus even in silence
, love can be heard

If two past lovers can remain friends,
either they never were in love or they still are.

Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps ticking
whether u are getting somewhere or just standing still.

If you're thinking of someone all day long without any reason at all.
H/She is thinking you too. -Time Magazine

The opposite of love is not hate but laziness.
When no one is no longer interested to exert any full effort
to make another person grow

If I dont ask u to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life,
coz I know, in my heart, u're the only one for me.

I hate the way I dont hate you - not even close,
not even a little bit, not any at all. -Kat Stratford

Sometimes, its better if people just give up
where there's no point in fighting for something anymore.
-Jack Sparrow

Sometimes its a lot better to be a fool to go after what we want & need,
rather than to regret everything in the end cus we never tried

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love
and be love in return! -Moulin Rouge

The only WRONG thing would be to deny
what your heart truly feels. -Zorro

Dont miss the chance that life is giving you
to spend with people you love. There are no rewinds. -Click

Do you love me because I'm beautiful,
or am I beautiful because you love me? -Cinderella

If love is sweet as a flower, then my Mom is that sweet flower of love. -Stevie Wonder

Dear Mom.. Know that, that 1 little thing u've done has stuck in my mind and follows me forever where ever I may go!

Dear Mom.. Know that when I say you're important to me, BELIEVE ME! I would never lie to you

a collection of quotes,

from various sources

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