Monday, June 14, 2010

Quotes part 3

A tongue has no bones, but it can break a heart. -Flannery O'Connor

You don't need to understand what love means to be able to love. You just have to feel it.

We all have imperfections, that's how love gets in and make they seem just perfect.

They said true love won't hurt. But if it can't make us hurt, it's not love.

We always have to joke when we actually mean what we say and we like to sound serious when we only want to play. -Anne Rice

Remember: "The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life's cruelest irony." -Coupland

Life is like football. Sometimes you've made a blunder that hard to be forgiven.

Life is like Football. We want to give our best shot in whatever we do

Life is like football. Desire and hard work win the day!

Life is like football: It's not over 'til it's over. You gotta know which way you're headed and remember which team you're on.

Life is like a football. We're the players. Problems are the opps. God is the referee.

A heart with no direction will be lost. Let God be the map and guides the way. -Dhanti Praspani

It's not about the past, it's not about the future. It's about what you can do, now. -Dhanti Praspani

Silence makes fight becomes longer. Speak. Let it out before it kills you. -Dhanti Praspani 

It's not about who made the mistakes. It's about who will fix it and make it right. -Dhanti Praspani

Being single, doesn't mean to be alone. It means to wait for someone while laughing with others. -Dhanti Praspani

Hatred is jealousy of who and how they are. Means, to hate someone is to hate who and how you are. -Dhanti Praspani

Dear haters.. when you're busy hating me, I'll be busy doing new things and leave you behind. -Dhanti Praspani

Loving people get to be loved, hating people get to be hated. -Dhanti Praspani

Don't walk behind me, I may fart. Don't walk in front of me, I may kick you. Walk beside me.

Pain is temporary. Hurt will fade. Music is forever! If you're in pain, turn up your favorite songs

Friendship won't be destroyed by love, if trust and commitment are the anchors.

Knowing is not enough,we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. -Bruce Lee

When you're in love, a simple hello from them could make your gray sky turns blue.

One sincere smile from heart, keeps haters away!

Never give up on life, go enjoy it harder. Cos this chapter of our lives isn't over yet

It's a waste to plan for the future if you don't do anything for the present. (food for thought)

Never underestimate anyone. For everyone is given something that other people don't have. -Dhanti Praspan

God gives you many ways to go. Believe, and you shall be guided to the right way.

Women.. Don't aim to be the prettiest woman, aim to be the HAPPIEST woman!

You're special because you're different. Stay being who you are!

Friends tell you to be strong. True friends face it together with you

Remember: "You are the writer of your own story, other people help you to open the next page." 

Lies will always be bitter in the end, no matter how sweet you made it at the beginning.

There's always a bit of something hidden when you say "nothing."

Dear girls.. Don't let your beauty make ppl fool you with fake loves, be smart enough to choose who's to love!

Girls, it's ok to cry. Just don't forget that God has prepared the right one for you since you were born.

Every woman who falls in love looks beautiful whether they laugh, or cry because of it.

Don't be a liar and say that everythings working when everythings broken.

And in the end, the ones who succeed are the ones who are brave enough to try.

Remember this! When you try to bring someone DOWN, you have wasted your precious time to bring yourself UP.

Your family is a treasure that you don't have to find because it's always there for you. You are, rich!

Boys.. when girls walk away from you, they actually want to be chased. Don't waste your time, now.

Every pain has its lessons. Find, and learn from them. It's a secret to get a true happiness.

Jealousy only eats up ur beauty. Have more faith in urself, you got something that other people don't.

A partner is someone who is willing to go through it all when everyone leave and save themselves

Guess what's on the other side of a broken heart? A brand new start.

Haters are only the background features at your stage, you are the star

Trust your haters. They know a star when they see one. Let them continue to promote you for free.

Say thank you to everyone that told you no, cause they helped you get where you are today. -Tony Gaskins

I never lose when I love. I only lose when I'm afraid to.

Take problems as God's ways to improve you. Remember, it takes a ton of pressure to make a diamond!

Question: "Can love really last a lifetime?" Answer: "It will last, if you know how to commit.

I believe that, no memories should be forgotten. Because they always make us learn about something. -Dhanti Praspani

Whatever the future brings, all we really need is someone to face it with, together. -Dhanti Praspani

People who can admit their mistakes, their fear, all of their bad sides, are those with a lot of courage.

Mistakes from the past helps us find the right person with the good reason at the perfect season

Some of life's best lessons are learned at the worst times. -Ani DiFranco

Hatred was born cos people couldn't stand sadness. Let them feel love, let them know happiness. -Dhanti Praspani

Understand that, to be hand in hand, to be together, will give you more power than to stand alone. -Dhanti Praspani

God is your strongest friend to face against your fear and doubts

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